VRV HVAC systems
January 29, 2020 | 06:45 PM

How VRV HVAC systems are a step towards zero energy building solutions?

The key to understanding a healthy future for all is sustainability. Nowadays, designers, builders,

5 Reasons
January 13, 2020 | 12:00 PM

5 reasons on why VRV air-conditioning systems are well-suited for your home

The air conditioning systems no longer sit on the wall like an odd piece, but rather add to the rest of the paraphernalia in defining the décor of the expanse.

high efficiency central
January 02, 2020 | 05:45 PM

Your quest for the high efficiency central air conditioner ends here

When it comes to choosing the most effective air conditioning system for home, today’s homeowners have a lot of options from sleek and stylish split air conditioners to the mighty central air conditioning systems.

air conditioning
February 01, 2019 | 06:45 PM

Don’t let air conditioning ruin your décor of your space

The biggest fear people face while deciding on the air conditioning installation is the ruining of the décor of the space. This is because air conditioner installation involves heavy mechanical work which may interfere with the décor of your space.


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Did you know that Daikin VRV home lifestyle solutions offer individual temperature control of the air conditioning zones?

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